Tuesday, 18 March 2025


My favourite region in The White Mountains, 
The Franconia Notch.
Site of the first passenger tramway in North America.
Heading to the highest skiing/hiking summit in New Hampshire.

8:29 lift line for a 8:30 start.
Thank goodness for it probably was five degrees already!
(five degrees celsius)

Everything that so worked for me in visits to my past five ski hills seemed to challenge me here at Cannon. 
I can easily live with this being the largest place Ive visited so far, but along with it being a Saturday, a beautiful blue bird day, a sense to a skier that with the trending increasingly warming weather is that the end of the season is near,….. by mid morning there were lift lines, LIFT LINES!!!!! and everything that goes along with lots of skiers on limited snow, on what is turning out to be a very warm day. 
Add to what I’m finding is that most of Cannon is cut out for fairly aggressive skiers which for my weary weak legs from a short week of skiing are having trouble adapting. 
What I thought, and under different circumstances would and could have been my most liked and skied hill, had turned to me opting for a safe retreat after a couple of hours. 
(Still my second biggest ski of the trip) Safe and happy with a little sun souvenir. 

Beautiful location.

Cannon Mountain, home hill to Bode Miller.
Will miss BodeFest by a week.

When I went to check out the Mittersell area of the resort there must have been 150 adolescent ski racers doing there thing.

Get to lie in bed and look at Cannon in the fall.

 By the time I returned to my room twenty minutes down the road, just shortly after noon, temperature a little more conducive for some cycling.

Friday, 14 March 2025



Wouldn’t have any problem calling this my “Home” hill but for the drive. The 1,000 ft vertical would only be second to any of the: 

great old ski school vibe, 

crazy friendly staff, 

ski across The Appalachian Trail, 

big GS runs, …

Starting to juggle the pluses of the spring and sun forecasts. Happy to start early and ski some concrete but we all know how one gets concrete. In reverse I’m ending my days in some leg busting cement. Keeping safe and very happy.


Thursday, 13 March 2025


After a bigger day yesterday I thought that this might be an opportunity for a quick ski and then some legs up. There were more to come but at 9:00 it was the staff and just pretty much myself as I took the first chair. 

Before I realized it, after a little break in a most amazing lodge, it was going on to noon and I was more than happy having slid around  on some pretty fun runs. Enjoying the cold before some forecasted “Spring” weather is expected to roll in. Even with just one lift spinning, really enjoying everything about these modest size places. 

The 411 on S6.
