This is a bit ahead of our travel blog game.
On our way home we stopped for a couple of days in Memphis, Tennessee.
Notable for:
Blues music,
The King and many things Elvis,
Sadly also noted for where Martin Luther King jr. was assassinated.
So much has been, will be today and I'm sure tomorrow written about this man. Here in a few simple words I will try to post and write about what Kate and I experienced in a hand full of hours of what encompasses hundreds of years of human turmoil.
Martin Luther King jr..
Maybe for not all the same reasons, few people then and maybe more so now so eloquently captured the attention of a nation like Mr King did.
Maybe for not all the same reasons, few people then and maybe more so now so eloquently captured the attention of a nation like Mr King did.
Here was not the end, but just a milestone in the journey of civil rights.
...a dream did not die.
Perhaps the sacrifice powered the next chapter of this seemingly endless struggle.
The shooter, James Earl Ray, left the scene and almost immediately went into hiding in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA for two months.
He was later arrested, due to issues with a forged Canadian Passport.
I believe in England.
James Earl Ray died in prison.
The shooter, James Earl Ray, left the scene and almost immediately went into hiding in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA for two months.
He was later arrested, due to issues with a forged Canadian Passport.
I believe in England.
James Earl Ray died in prison.
The Lorraine Motel and a beautiful addition today house the
Go if you can.
Go for all woman and mankind.

The museum itself is very well presented.
The facts of what went and goes on in this world not so well.
Before Kate and I knew it, we exited almost three hours later.
One can't helped to be moved by the museum's contents.
One can't be moved and realise by what seems like still a long way to go to better this world of ours.
I travel this world to hopefully first hand better understand it.
Sometimes that leaves more questions than answers.
I must challenge myself.
For it takes great courage to love any people who do not love you.
I must challenge myself.
For it takes great courage to love any people who do not love you.
Though not to forget, we left a little more than sombre and heavy hearted.
We found no better way to end the day by going to listen to some (real) Blues.
King gave one of his many notable speeches supporting the garbage workers strike in Memphis.
The end being:
Well, I don't know what will happen now; we've got some difficult days ahead. (Amen) But it really doesn't matter to with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. (Yeah) [Applause] And I don't mind. [Applause continues] Like anybody, I would like to live a long life–longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. (Yeah) And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. (Go ahead) And I've looked over (Yes sir), and I've seen the Promised Land. (Go ahead) I may not get there with you. (Go ahead) But I want you to know tonight (Yes), that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. [Applause] (Go ahead, Go ahead) And so I'm happy tonight; I'm not worried about anything; I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. [Applause]
The next day he was assassinated.
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