In Saint Felicien I'll pick up the, known amongst cycle tourists, the notable Les Veloroute des Bleuets.
Closing in on three weeks
where I did not see a single cycle tourist and only a handful of lycra clad babes and dudes riding,
by days end I'll see more people touring in one day than possibly in all my days.
Before I realized it
I was actually having a conservation.
Being Quebecois English, they first explained that under the current circumstances they were substituting their annual cycling trip to France to riding around the lake.
I'd been managing with my French but half sentences don't add to much.
Delighted with my meet and great but more so in my initiation with a tarte bleuet.
In it's approximately three hundred kilometres,
the route is virtually all bicycle restricted paths and lanes, dotted with towns and facilities that makes it as friendly as it is.

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