very early april, 2016

I've had more than one proposition from someone looking to fill his chair.
Our stay in Greece will have featured many fresh and wonderful meals. With us never staying further than five hundred meters from any coast the whole trip, the fish, seafood and other local delicacies were exceptional.
We did find our budget staple meals and snacks where not much different that one would find throughout Toronto or on the Danforth. Your "Greek Food" staples.
We travel to explore, including (mainly) the cuisine. What we did find and will remember long past the trips to the gym were the sweets and treats. I know they have been working on this civilisation thing for a long time, but the dessert part of life they conquered. When ones coming home from the bakery and the honey from a endless number of concoctions is dripping through the bag, the ground nuts and dried fruits infused in all styles of pastries, the cheeses presented and mixed in both sweet and savoury combinations in dough,
we most always left room for an evening, (morning, afternoon, midnight) snack

I've mentioned in other posts how visual our trip has been.
Imagine if you may the sounds and smells.
Many welcomed. Some not.
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