Tuesday 2 May 2017

Oakridge to Eugene, Oregon. U.S.A. Nemy, Hyla and niagarapaul

September 24, 2016 
Day 33/33. 

Roll out on our last day.

I've been waiting so long
To be where I'm going
In the sunshine of (all my women)your love
I'm with you my love,
The light's shining through on you.
E. Clapton

Fresh, more importantly downhill, tarmac for our last stage.

Pretty much every truck weigh station we rode by we stopped for a reading. 
Last day. Don't care.

In our indifference we didn't realise we had company!  

Made it this far.

Ho un'intera gamma di emozioni, ma al fine di uscire da una grande conclusione di cuore, scrivo solo che siamo finiti.

Here I try to curb my celebration.
(Inside I hadn't felt this exalted and accomplished, I was sworn to secrecy, since the time I lucked into a free membership to the 
"Radio Shack Battery Club"

Well done.
Well done indeed.

Well done.
Well done indeed.

Go Ducks Go.
(I didn't even no I was a Duck fan till...)

End of this road.
Beginning of this room.

It will not be the almost two thousand kilometres we logged, but the ups and downs we rolled over.

Including Nicola, we met a lovely cycle touring couple  quite early in our tour. We somehow politely didn't take too much heed in a discussion that mentioned if we perhaps pass through Eugene, not on our schedule at the time, there is a more than excellent pizzeria not to be missed. 

Glad we remembered.

Time to go to school.


They say its the journey, not the destination.

Not our last supper.

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