Sunday 9 April 2017

Lower Little Truckee River Campground to Spanish Creek Campground, California, U.S.A. Nemy, Hyla & Paul

September 08, 2016
Day 17
40th/63 posts

Here's just another day in a cycle of real life. A cycle tour that saw, my two compasses, Nicola and Hyla, and a I amazingly fill in the empty spaces on a crossword. That meaning a  cross state ride from Bakersfield to South Lake Tahoe, CA. There we ceremoniously jettisoned the one spice girl back to life in Ontario, Canada. That up and down story can be found further back via the “older post” button. Father’s days! 
These pages are of Hyla and I continuing and taking in some pretty amazing highs and "ohs" and trying to chase, thankfully, a never ending horizon. 
Or at least for now Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

After a long, 100k's, and good yesterday, we ended at a close to deserted campground.

The lone camper, which here we in invited to share breakfast with, was this convalescing PCT hiker. 
Having suffered some rather serious medical issues on foot, here he was held up recuperating mother nature style. 

Hope you are well, our friend.
Hope you are well.

Pre environmentalist days, these incinerators burned a lumber mill's wood waste.
They very nice to watch at night.

"That looks like the flag of Newfoundland on your jersey."


Continuing to love these campgrounds and their hosts.
Hardly anybody around and who is around......!!!!!

Over the night we will listen and dream to the barely visible train traffic straining precariously thru the canyon.

Trouble ahead, Lady in red?

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