Monday 5 December 2016


December 1,2, 2016
Lima, Peru

Here Kate and I will finish up four days in Lima.

I'm fortunate when Kate and I travel we find some form of enjoyment in most places we pass thru. That will be the case here in Lima but with some personal reservations of the city that makes travelling what it is.
I try to travel not as a critic but as an observer and participant . Even after touring the touted and promoted tourist districts, I found the mood of the city, and to some extent the people, to be somewhat sombre and cast with a minimum of fifty shades of not only beige, but what appears to be a muted beige. Add to it all the daily overcast of sea fog off the Pacific.(most every image I post I photo shop. Here like never before I'm on the colour enhance bars to the max) Even situated on the coast, the city reflects the dry climatic zone it is in by leaving little green that I have become spoiled to.

All the buildings seem to be in some state of old.
New old. Recently old. Just plain old. Beyond old. Nice old. 
I judge not.
I come knowing there are haves and have nots in all things people, places and things.
Puzzling is that this place should work for me. I don't like all new and polished. Based on that I should Love this place.

But it somehow leaves a little hollow spot in not only my like of the city but also in our ever ending search of the gastronomic.
Beyond the now everywhere new world fast food and more, we found the search of food on the street and in the holes in the wall limited. 
For the dessert tray, you can never hide.

Whats a city without its people. Though often seeming reserved, Kate and I never felt outcast or lost. With some broken Spanish and a smile we were always rewarded by some directions,
 menu selections,....
 from helpful locals. 

What city does not deal with challenges. Beyond the endless list of big city life lies a sense of community and national pride. An apparent never ending measure of attempts of cleanliness is evident everywhere. There just was not a lot of rubbish about.

This is what I love about our travels. 
It's not always as I see and perceive it.
Hopefully I'm always a little right .
Hopefully I'm always a little wrong.

Trees, green, flowers,.....

Yam chips and a Empanda

Tastes of Lima

We shall leave Peru without visits to the iconic sites of Macho Picchu and Lake Titicaca, but that's what my lazy boy and the National Geographic channel is for.

We have been trying to attack the local and national dishes. Have this on the menu for day five.
Roasted Guinea Pig.

Somewhere on Ripley's list of largest water fountain park, largest ???, something.
Forgot my bathing suit on the island.

I'm pretty sure thats the kid from Modern Family, no wait, he's over there, no, he's.. 
The world goes round in circles.

Kate and I get the most fun sometimes by just standing back and watching. Here for fun if you would like to recreate this atmosphere, grab some duck tape, go to your vehicle and just wrap it around the horn on the on pos,,,,,, what??????, th,,,, ??? tape the ho,,,,what??? tape the horn on the on position.
Crank up the salsa.
Then just stand back and actually see a carbon footprint created right before you eyes.
Just trying to convey the atmosphere.
(will get into hemisphere later)

Kate and I do compliment the locals as we see absolutely no one smoking cigarettes. Every time we mentioned this some pale face with a butt would appear.

A Peruvian biggy.

So for now Lima and your people,

Mucho Gracias

You are what travelling is meant to be.
You are now reflections of what you have meant to me.

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