December 25, 2016
You Shook Me

So as to breakup our travels south, our calendar had the city of Concepcion, Chile as a spot for us to lay up for awhile and enjoy Christmas. We've taken a flat and for the first time in a while are looking forward to being in one spot and almost purposely not off taking in all the sights.
(This rather large city fits our plan)
As we have been experiencing the lead up to Christmas, we have prepared ourselves and kitchen to enjoy a quiet day.
Sadly the city is known for a history of devastating earthquakes. Close to here in 1960 was the epicentre of the strongest earthquake ever recorded. 9.5 on the scale of Richter.
Around mid morning we had an experience that literally had us catching our breaths. Not helping that we were on the fifteenth floor, our building more than shook for three to four long seconds. Possibly a couple of shocks afterwards.
It had Kate and I seriously grabbing what we might and check the hall to see the local reaction. None.
Home for the Holidays.
What we felt was centred over a thousand kilometres away. A quake of 7.6 on the scale of Richter that was cause of initial concern but gladly later resulted in limited damages and most importantly no human tragedies .
Now we have something to remember this Christmas by. We were actually reminded of Christmas not long ago as our journey has us continuing south and close to the initial area.
A 4.5 on the scale of Richter reminder.
A 4.5 on the scale of Richter reminder.
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