With snow in the forecast, our early morning boat ride to return Hyla to the mainland was quite Fall like but nice.
Our return in the snow was fun knowing that we are just a match throws away from refuge in our cabin.
Here we envision perhaps next year the same but with our new and exciting lodge.
Our normally quite corner of Bayfield Inlet is quit busy for this time of year. Along with our crew, here on their daily schedule are a crew returing from doing some work just down the channel at Mary Ann's place.
By morning we will end up with 2-3cm.
With the stove fired and supper on it, Kate and I at times seem to be the happiest when Mother Nature or The Weather Channel throw us a challenge.
The snow is certainly beautiful in its own way, but not what we need a lot of now.
Thankfully the sun will shine and as most times bring some optimism to what will be a reasonable late October day.

How often do you need a ice scraper in your boat?

Any icebergs?

The barge with our metal roof.
We ordered green.
This smoke is signalling that its warm inside.
The Cabin
It will remain as one of my fondest memories, anytime with the cold weather, a 6am stoke of the stove gives you lots of time to hop back into bed and drift back to sleep listening to the crackle of the fire and wake to sound and smell of fresh percolated coffee.
Would you like a cup?
Be careful this morning if you are going to skip to the lou.
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