Sunday 3 August 2014



Today if all goes well, my first day will see me ride from Jasper, past my scheduled camp of lake Lucerne, to the heart of Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia.

But first I will put all the pieces of my bike puzzle together, grab a coffee and then roll the Rocky road.

I cannot forget the trip Hyla and I took here in 2002 to ski Marmot Basin. We stayed at this place. The corner room with the bump out. The historic train station right behind me provided great entertainment.

Check out the post:

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

 I have started reading a book written by a old park ranger from the area.
I will leave the Athabasca Hotel, in the distance, with a little smile after it got a mention in his writing as the place to go and tie up your four legged ride and hitch up to the bar.

View Jasper to Mount Robson in a larger map
(for a real challenge, I am riding backwards to MR.)

 Here a nice lady street sweep caught me at kilometre 0.

 By the end of today I will have clocked 95 k's. 
Knowing that there will still be some rather significant challenges ahead(climbing) arriving feeling strong bode well for my Rocky Mountain apprehension.

 This I expect to be a sight for a good portion of my travels.
Trains (and lots of them!) traversing the passes I will.

 There is something about these historic rail lines.

 Alberta to British Columbia in one morning!

 I will soon come upon the highest mountain in all of the Rockies.

 My east west travels are along the famous Yellowhead.
I think if I keep going I'll be heading closer to the Northern Nemy.

 The amazing weather is amazing in the sense that this part of the world has been experiencing a heat wave. By the time I get to camp the temps are in the 30's.
I did wake in the middle of the night freezing. They did say it was going done to 4c.

 One, if not the mightiest rivers in all of British Columbia has it's headwaters just around the corner.
I believe this river system drains up to 25% of all BC.

 Oh deer

With camp established behind me I can rest assured that I have come full cycle now and have not left tent poles, VISA card, Ibuprofen,.... in some corner of 350 Kilman.

I will spend the evening on this deck watching, writing and wresting.

Your e-nemy on the Rocky Road.

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